Wedding 360 degree Panoramas

A new service that I’m offering wedding clients is  Wedding 360 degree panoramas during the reception or perhaps other points during the day.  These panoramas are made in the same way as the Google Business View virtual tours and will become a part of the Google Maps and Google StreetView when they are created.  This product is called Google Views, and it is a really interesting way to document either the entire guest list or the bridal party.  The photos are called Equirectangular and are 360 degrees in every direction.  The only way to properly view these is to view them with a flash or HTML5 viewer or using the software that bends these back to a sphere such as Google Maps/StreetView.  This is how I’m doing it now, you can view these on Google.

Here’s some examples of some of these that I’ve done in recent weddings.  When I meet with you to discuss wedding photography, I’ll bring this up as an option to your package.


Wedding PanoramaView on Google



Wedding Panorama

View on Google



Wedding Panorama

View on Google

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